🌍 Welcome to Confluence. Confluence is your knowledge base for Kering and his Houses program, projects, applications and teams.

(warning) To login, you must have a licence for Jira and Confluence.

(info)  If you need a licence on Kering Jira Software and/or Confluence, you can create a request here!
(info)  If you need help on the usage of Kering Jira Software or Confluence, don't hesitate to contact by mail: keringtechcollaborativetool@kering.com.

You are now connected on Confluence! We are happy to see you here 👍🏻
(question) If you have any concerns about the usage of Kering Jira Software or Confluence, please write us at  keringtechcollaborativetool@kering.com or open a Kering Connect ticket.

Need to know Processes in Kering Technologies? We have a guide.
🧭 Available here : https://kering.sharepoint.com/sites/KTGuideandProcessess

Reminder : ✨New Features Jira & Confluence available here.
📗 Need on onboarding on Jira and/or Confluence?
Click here to book your own onboarding session.

(tick) You will be automatically redirected in 8 seconds to the Standard Information Base page.

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☀️ We wish you a very good day on these tools.

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